
Fisheries management is progressively moving toward quota based management systems. In NZ we have the Quota Management System (QMS) with which commercial fisheries are managed. It may be that in the future recreational fisheries might also be managed in a more quota-centric manner.

The fundamental principle of the QMS, and on which sustainability is staked is that quota is a sound property right. To underpin the sustainability of this property right it is imperative that quality science be used to determine the appropriate levels of harvest.

EAM NZ ltd will work closely with you to develop a scientific program, whether it be stock assessment, fishing surveys or tagging to underpin the future sustainability of your resource.




As wild fish stocks decline internationally the percentage of fish products on the market sourced from aquaculture is increasing. However, planning and developing a successful aquaculture venture for a particular species and site is highly dependent on sound biological, technical and regulatory advice. EAM NZ ltd provides solutions through all stages of aqauculture development.

EAM NZ ltd also works with existing aquaculture facilities in helping to monitor and refine their environmental management systems, grow their business and realise their potential.

trochophore larvae


  • Fisheries stock assessments
  • Fishing surveys
  • Tagging programs
  • Development of research methodologies
  • Scoping reports
  • Technical advice on aquaculture and fisheries related matters
  • Resource Consent Applications
  • Water quality monitoring
  • OSH Certified commercial divers (scientific class)